Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Who, What, When, Where, Why, and HOW?

Something the LOST show did was constantly keep its audience guessing. Whether it was a mysterious monster that sounded like a subway, or a random polar bear, LOST's apparent mission was to keep viewers on their toes.

So skilled were they at this that many fans began to doubt the writers' ability to close off all the mysteries they presented. According to the article written by Askwith, fans started to leave LOST during it's second season due to the fear that the writers had no plans of clearing up all the confusion and ultimately were just making it up as they went.

One argument that arises is that LOST presents too many questions than it does answers and the most frustrating things for fans is that the show answers questions with questions. It is this maddening logic that scared some away from LOST.

The 'Smoke Monster' from LOST. (Spoiler Alert!)
Another thing that the show does is present flashbacks (or what we are led to believe are flashbacks) in order to explain certain characters. Fans argued that at times these flashbacks were redundant and showed that the writers were stalling for time.

A third argument is that at times things happen in the show that are refused an explanation. Characters who were thrust into some new mystery refuse to tell other characters and the audience what happened.

The mysterious 'hatch'.
And finally a fourth argument is that LOST presented too much symbolism in its episodes that really didn't mean anything or would ultimately mean nothing.

Despite LOST losing some viewers for the reasons above, most viewers stayed with the show because they realized that one should watch this show with different factors in mind. Askwith lists four factors in his article: LOST is structured and written more like a novel, LOST insists that 'everything happens for a reason', LOST's non-linear chronology creates unique expectations, and LOST is a serial narrative being developed in a time of transition.

Despite it's relentless mystery, LOST still managed to keep a loyal fan base for the reasons above. LOST cannot be watched like an episode of HOUSE. It requires your undivided attention.

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